
Conveyor Surveys & Inspections

Along with our extensive line of conveyor products and field services, LGG Industrial provides conveyor system inspections and surveys. These services are designed to understand your current system and applications, identify problems before they become emergencies, propose product changes or enhancements, improve efficiencies and processes, and extend the life of your conveyor belts and accessories.

Conveying System Services

Through our Conveying System Services, we offer:

A comprehensive evaluation of your conveyor system to identify issues or potential problem conditions and recommend appropriate solutions.
Provide ultrasonic cover gauge analysis with recommendations to improve belt life and assist with budgeting belt replacements.
Provide analysis of Engineered Data, such as belt speed, HP requirements and tons-per-hour requirements to help systems run at optimal levels, reducing downtime.

Solution Spotlight

Quality Control

Due to LGG Industrial conveyor belt surveys and repairs, the customer began to see a drop in their downtime and emergency failures, resulting in a savings of $1.39 million.

Solution Spotlight

Averting a Hazard

LGG Industrial quick action during a conveyor belt survey prevented possible damage to the belt and saved the customer $48,406 in avoided downtime.

Ready To Partner With LGG Industrial?

Take a leap toward industrial excellence and unleash the power of tailored solutions and trusted service. We’re here to help you optimize operating performance and reduce downtime — no matter your industry or the unique challenges you face. Click to find an LGG Industrial location near you.